There's no denying it. American families are in trouble. The divorce rate is soaring, gangs are growing, test scores are falling, and venereal disease is rampant. These are all signs of a deteriorating family structure. In our own community, families are coming apart at an unprecedented rate. Sixty percent of marriages end in divorce in the Hampton Roads area. That’s even higher than the national average. Last year 31 children died due to abuse in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Of those 31 children, 20 died in Hampton Roads.
We at Apostles and our non-profit group, Apostles Preschool and Childcare have been called to do all we can to make an impact on these troubling realities. We are determined to go any length and to sacrifice in any way to bring these numbers down in our community. We’ve taken the first steps to build a community center to help us do more to help hurting families and prepare our children for a healthy future.
Our vision is to build not a building, but to build into families and children the strength and beauty that God intended from the beginning. We are determined to invest in our community with a physical facility and people equipped with a passion and skills to get the job done. We love our community and we want the very best for our children and their children to come.
We are passionate about what we envision at Apostles Preschool and Childcare. But we know that we cannot do this without the involvement of partners in the community. We invite you to be a part of walking out our vision. Join us on the journey that can change our community. It’s an investment in something that is not only greater than yourself, but something that will let you impact the lives of your children and your children’s children.